Dead Jack Pine

Dead Jack Pine

Logo design for a Canadian folk band inspired by legendary artist Tom Thomson and his painting “The Jack Pine.”

Dead Jack Pine

Dead Jack Pine

Logo design for a Canadian folk band inspired by legendary artist Tom Thomson and his painting “The Jack Pine.”

 Tom Thomson was an outdoorsman who spent most of his time adventuring in Algonquin Park. It is here where he first began to paint and “The Jack Pine” quickly became an iconic representation of the Northern Ontario landscape. Not only did it inspire

Tom Thomson was an outdoorsman who spent most of his time adventuring in Algonquin Park. It is here where he first began to paint and “The Jack Pine” quickly became an iconic representation of the Northern Ontario landscape. Not only did it inspire the name Dead Jack Pine, its essence had also impacted the band’s sound, tone, and aesthetic.

 Dead Jack Pine wanted an identity that embodied their passion for raw storytelling. The design needed to reflect elements of the natural world and have a simple architecture to help keep production costs low.

Dead Jack Pine wanted an identity that embodied their passion for raw storytelling. The design needed to reflect elements of the natural world and have a simple architecture to help keep production costs low.

 The creative process began with a collection of images that best captured the essence of Dead Jack Pine. These images were then used as inspiration to help with the sketching process. Once a direction was chosen, the sketch became digitized and read

The creative process began with a collection of images that best captured the essence of Dead Jack Pine. These images were then used as inspiration to help with the sketching process. Once a direction was chosen, the sketch became digitized and ready to be released into the wild.

The final design successfully illustrated Dead Jack Pine’s vision and it became widely accepted by fans and music peers across the country. The identity also went on to win first place for best logo design at the Canadian Regional Design Awards.
